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High End Clothing Soaking Wet
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Camille Gets Wet in White and Leather
Mandi-Shower, Smokes and Tubs
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Angel Gets Formally Wet in a Stunning Purple Dress
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Casey Gets Wet in a Sexy Green Mini Dress
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Wet Catfight with Kylie and Bella
13 days ago
Portia's Wetlook Premiere Wearing a Sexy Pink Dress
15 days ago
Barefoot Queen Nathalia Gets Wet in a Sexy Black Dress
21 days ago
Summer Gets Wet In Red
25 days ago
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Camille and Summer-Hot Wet Kissing
Camille and Summer Have a Wet Lovestory
Jeans Pool Party with Joy, Camille and Reyna
Selina-Braless Swim in a Crop Top and Blue Jeans
Nathalia Swims in Her Sexy Clubbing Outfit
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Sublime gown swimming scene
I really like that the beautiful gown really accentuates Natasha's body. When it gets wet, it's tight to the body and makes her shine. As well as she makes such a beautiful gown shine. Really liked the final part where she washed her hair, watching the soap suds slide the dress.
-MessyNikky    Tuesday    
A great swimming gown!
It's a big gown that Jessica takes for a swim. While she seems to find it a bit hard to go around with all the billowing from the dress she owns it. Great scene, nice seeing such a big dress in the water.
-MessyNikky    Tuesday    
Wetlook Catfight Just like that Kylie is an Industry Superstar!
Oh My God, this is a blast! I love a Wetlook Catfight video! Kylie joins industry veteran Bella Luxx and just like that, Kylie is an industry superstar! I love seeing the girls pushing and yanking on each other, seeing them pick each other up and throw themselves back in the water. Seeing the two of them submerging and coming up with their wet hair in their faces, gasping for air, etc. Both of the girls look great, gorgeous, long dark hair, all wet and spilling everywhere. It's not one of the catfight videos which feels violent or mean-spirited either. It feels like you're watching two friends putting on a sexy show just for you, because they know you love this. And you sure do! There's a bunch of highly visible thong-bottom for fans of Kylie's bum, which Bella smacks repeatedly like a bongo drum. I also love all the underwater footage in these videos that really sets Wet Look Fashion apart from other Wet Look producers. It's the underwater and sexy surface-break footage, plus some world-class beauties gracing the roster. Kylie is really dreamy in an exotic sort of way, and I do have a thing for Bipoc women. I love her long dark hair. This is gorgeous! Wet Look Fashion did not put me up to this, btw. I was not compensated for this review in any way. It just so happens that I love this sort of thing and I think you will too. Buy This Video! You literally can't go wrong with a Wetlook Catfight! Plus Bella Luxx?!? Trust me. You are in good hands!
-MrBubblicious    13 days ago    
I love Kylie's wet hair and seeing her swimming and this dress!
Woah! I totally missed this one when it came out, with the lean, athletic Kylie, kicking back in this white maxi dress! I don't know about you guys, but my favorite wet look outfits are these types of dress up gowns, maxi-dresses, form-fitting club dresses. It's always awesome seeing some striking talent who looks like the resident hot girl at the office, all dressed up, drenched in the pool, the way the fabric floats in the water, becoming heavy, pulling away from her legs and clinging to her upper body. This is straight out of my fantasies for years--this very thing--playing out exactly this way. Kylie works the camera in a really natural sort of way. She seems confident and comfortable. She's great in the water and is particularly natural in the visually striking Wet Hair moments, while a lot of talents fuss when they think their hair is lying in an unflattering way on their shoulders or the sides of their face. Kylie seems to recognize that seeing her wet hair spill over her like that is part of the appeal. I also love all the underwater footage in these videos that really sets Wet Look Fashion apart from other Wet Look producers. It's the underwater and sexy surface-break footage, plus some world-class beauties gracing the roster. Kylie is really dreamy in an exotic sort of way, and I do have a thing for Bipoc women. Wet Look Fashion did not put me up to this, btw. I was not compensated for this review in any way. It just so happens that I love this sort of thing and I think you will too!
-MrBubblicious    13 days ago    
I love feeling like I'm having this experience with Portia!
Yes! "Dunking Underwater for the first time in a long time" It's funny that this is the very thing I've been noticing with Portia that I find to be so particularly sexy about her videos, in addition to her striking look, her pretty face, pretty eyes and her eye-popping Barbie body. I have often had fantasies about talking a pretty woman into doing something like this, something she didn't understand and wasn't 100% comfortable with it at first, but was kind of excited to try because of what a big deal it is to me. Other times I've fantasized about a woman who is totally into the underwater fetish, demonstrating to me what she's into and why she's so into it. The psychology of why this is exciting is layered, nuanced. It goes deeper than just liking to see someone get wet, shiny and sleek looking, and the brief discomfort of breathlessness, weightlessness, etc. There's something meaningful in this willingness to try something outside of your comfort zone, not to mention the biological jolt I get from seeing Portia's sincerity in her awkwardness and anxiousness as she hypes herself up for this, like there is something scary or risky about submerging, even just for a split second. There are a ton of instinctual/psychological and biological factors at play here and I love feeling like I'm having this moment with Portia. It feels personal. She's trying something outside of her comfort zone just for you, something kind of weird, but she knows you're really into it. Portia is awesome. I do have a thing for Bipoc women, and Wet Look Fashion has a handful of women on the roster who I just think are dreamy as hell. Wet Look Fashion did not put me up to this, btw. I was not compensated for this review in any way. It just so happens that I love this sort of thing and I think you will too!
-MrBubblicious    13 days ago    
My, My, My Diana! Holy Hotness with a side of Nip!
I love taking advantage of Wet Look Fashion's Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal here on Diana is a new face I was eager to check out when I was buying another couple of other sure-bet Wet Look Fashion videos featuring one of my favorite talents (Amy). This video with Diana is Hot Hot Hot! Whew! This elegant, formal dress offers up quite a bit of cleavage, etc." not to mention the thrill of her breasts tumbling out of the top, offering a full-on peek at Diana's exquisite nipples (Not all nipples are created equal, and Diana's just happen to be like a work of art.). Funny how a "wardrobe malfunction" like this is somehow hotter than seeing someone naked, when parts of the body reveal themselves in this naturalistic way, with her tugging on the top of her dress, smiling sweetly. Charming as Hell, I'm enchanted. It's that thing you're so badly wanting to happen and then it does. Hallelujah! Diana is lovely to watch in the water, with her skinny haute-couture frame and her eye-popping breasts. There's a moment about 8 minutes into the video in which she submerges, swimming from one end of the pool to another. I am an Underwater Fetish guy. For me, immersion, gasping, and wet hair are a huge part of the appeal of these videos, actually more so than any of the topside posing in wet clothes. I love the underwater footage in these Wet Look Fashion videos, as well as the naturalistic way her wet hair is plastered to her temples when she comes up for air, contrasted with the elegant look of her gliding underwater like she is flying. She has a throwback 1990s-2000s era Victoria Secrets model-look, even with her creamy latte complexion and the shiny, golden color of the highlights in her hair. If you are a fan of wet look and Wet Look fashion, specifically, you can't afford not to buy this video, in my opinion. Whew, Diana! Wet Look Fashion did not put me up to this, btw. I was not compensated for this review in any way. It just so happens that I love this sort of thing and I think you will too!
-MrBubblicious    30 days ago    
Holy Eff! Beautiful Amy… in that dress! Omg!
I'm ecstatic every time Amy's name pops up again in another one of these Wet Look Fashion videos. Amy is, unquestionably, the most strikingly beautiful girl in a whole pile of beautiful girls currently on Wet Look Fashion's talent roster (I phrased it that way so as not to put her in competition with Rose, who I still find to be among the most enchanting women who have ever lived.). As Amy gets more acclimated, it's apparent that she's becoming more cognizant that fanatics of this content find this stuff to be wildly sexy. It's not just looking at a pretty girl, swimming in the water. There's more to it than that, and her performance reflects her awareness of this, with the notably sexier vibe she puts into this video, how she moves, the way she looks into the lens. There's more of a palpable eroticism about it. It's possible that some of that may also be the super-sexy, slinky, going-out ensemble she wears too, showcasing quite a bit of cleavage, side-boob, etc. Amy is stunning at every turn and this video is hot, hot, hot! I am an Underwater Fetish guy. For me, immersion, gasping, and wet hair are a huge part of the appeal of these videos, actually, considerably more so than any of the topside posing in wet clothes. I love seeing her glide underwater and come up with a big gasp, her hair plastered down on the sides of her face. It's the abundance of underwater footage in these videos that really sets Wet Look Fashion apart from other Wet Look producers. It's that underwater and sexy surface-break footage, plus some world-class beauties gracing the roster. And My God, Amy is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful The kind of woman that would turn you into a babbling idiot if you ever encountered her in real-life. Just stunning. Breathtaking. Wet Look Fashion did not put me up to this, btw. I was not compensated for this review in any way. It just so happens that I love this sort of thing and I think you will too!
-MrBubblicious    30 days ago    
Yeah, Portia! Getting Down to Business!
I'm thrilled to see that Portia is back. I don't know if you guys have ever tried to explain to your partner (or anyone else) what your attraction is to Wet Look and Underwater Fetish stuff--or if you've ever fantasized about trying some stuff out with someone who isn't immediately comfortable with it. There's a timidness, an unease, but also a trust and a willingness to give it a try because you like it so much That's how I feel watching Portia in these videos and that teeeny bit of apprehension she shows about getting her beautiful hair wet and about submerging is sexy-as-hell to me: pinching her nose before going under and then coming up dripping wet with her eyes squeezed shut. It's like a sensual baptism every time and I love how much of it we get in this video. Portia looks great drenched in her biz attire too, of course, especially as that white top clings to her torso. I hope to see more Portia in the future. I was not compensated in any way for this review, btw.
-MrBubblicious    12/14/24    
Lovely, Lovely, Lovely Tina!
There is a moment early in this video, behind the waterfall, then under the waterfall, then coming up to the surface that is itself entirely worth the price of admission. The rest is gravy: a whole buffet of nose-pinching and Tina's sleek, wet hair cascading over her shoulders, plastered down on her perfect skin. God, I love this stuff. That's one of the things I love about a halter neckline: the bare shoulders, bare arms, the softness of her skin, creamy. There's another moment Iater in the video when Tina pinches her nose and flops on her back underwater, sprawled out, floating/suspended there in front of the viewer. She comes up and swims on her back, her wet jumpsuit clinging to her round breasts, shiny, gleaming in the sun--Then she pulls herself to an upright position, a perfect profile of her silky, raven hair, all slicked back. Wow. Gorgeous! This is my first Tina video. I'll be snatching up more of this Tina stuff immediately! I was not compensated in any way for this review, btw.
-MrBubblicious    12/14/24    
Huge Fan of the Elegant, Beautiful Naomi!
I was a fan of Naomi the first time I saw her: Elegant, beautiful. There's something tranquil about her face, serene. Then, she's got this astoundingly perfect gym bod, particularly impressive when it's someone who already has those other qualities I look for first: warm, brown eyes, a beautiful face, cheekbones for days, a beautiful smile. I love seeing her smile in this one. A rare glimpse of her sweet, charming personality--and then she's got this powerhouse physique. She's gorgeous in the water, and lovely to see her perfect complexion gleaming in the sun. We've got some nose-pinching before submerging. That drives me Wild! I think that's sexy as hell, the teeeny bit of vulnerability that suggests and the rush of heroic fantasy that can spring from it. I like to imagine myself swooping her in and scooping her up in my arms, to be her hero, to be her Man. I love this. Gorgeous! I hope to see a bunch more Naomi in the future. I was not compensated in any way for this review, btw.
-MrBubblicious    12/14/24    
Twice as nice!
Black Nike Pro has to be one of my 3 favorite wetlook outfits, and we get plenty of it here! There's quite a few fun and candid reactions from both Hanna and Joy as they experience the sensation of getting wet. I really like when they pull on their tight wet leggings and let the fabric snap back into place. We do get a few nice booty views, but not that many. I also enjoyed how they did some stretching and walking prior to getting wet so we could appreciate their outfits dry as well. Great video!
-sssp    12/4/24    
Double the awesome wetlook outfits!
As you might guess from the preview, Charlie's first outfit is very prone to wardrobe malfunctions, showing us many views of her boobs and a few nip slips. I would have liked to see her shampoo/soap her boobs under her clothes in the shower more, but that is certainly nitpicking. She teasingly changes into a nice tight athletic outfit which shows off her butt nicely, and we get some nice jiggling action at the end of the video. Picture and audio quality are excellent as well. Great video!
-sssp    12/4/24    
If you like shiny wet butts, this is for you!
Outstanding video! Naomi's sexy jumpsuit clings to her hot body in all the right places, and she knows just how to show it off! We see many wonderful views of her shiny wet ass, much more than in most WetlookFashion videos. I wish all wetlook videos with tight clothes focused on the model's booty as much as this one does! The image and sound quality are top notch, and the sun was shining the whole time to really give her wet clothes that extra touch of shine!
-sssp    12/4/24    
Oh My God! Mermaid Kylie is so Sexy!
Kylie is a Mermaid! Enchanting! I love her long, dark hair and the way she does a lot of immersion, surfacing with her hair spilling over her shoulders. Kylie seems to be more conscious than a lot of wetlook models of the fetishy appeal of swimming and submerging as part of the whole wet look *thing*. It's always nice to see the talent get out of the water and stand there with their clothes clinging to their bodies and that's all here, but for me, the hottest thing about all this is the swimming/immersion and coming up to the surface, again and again and again. Kylie has a dolphin-like style of Mermaid Swimming that looks a little like horizontal belly-dancing. Then, I love seeing her come up for air with her beautiful, silky, dark hair spilling onto her shoulders and back. I loved how often this was captured with the camera hovering close to her, with Kylie knowing exactly how to pivot and turn her body so we can feast on the incredible sight of her creamy complexion, her bare shoulders gleaming in the sun. There's a feeling about these Kylie videos which are different; she feels familiar, like a platonic friend who knows you're really into her. She's pretending to be aloof, but you can tell she loves the attention, to bask in the warm crackle of your attraction to her. These Kylie videos are some of my favorite Wetlook Fashion videos I've seen--which is saying a lot. I really hope to see more Kylie in the future! (I wasn't compensated for this review, btw.).
-MrBubblicious    12/3/24    
Wow! This is what Wet Look is all about!
Man, I love Kylie. Wow! I love Kylie's long, dark hair, and the amount of authentic personality she showcases in this video. I love all the time she spends under the waterfall/fountain. Then, she pulls the elastic band out of her hair and lets her hair spill down over her back and her shoulders, then dives in the water. My God, this is wonderful. I love her wide-mouth gasping, which reminds me of Alana Cabello (Sexy Wet Babes / Sexy Messy Babes), with her consciously-exaggerated facial expression as she's taking a breath. It's like an orgasm face and it's really, really, incredibly hot. It's a subconscious reminder that the inability to breathe is part of the turn on with immersion, for those of us who are into this type of thing--even if she's only underwater for a few seconds. There are a lot of Wet Look talents who don't seem to understand the eroticism of what they're doing, but Kylie seems to have an inherent understanding of it, the way she positions herself and works the camera in a way that feels natural: not like she's posing or trying to be pretty. It feels like you're swimming with a platonic friend to whom you're wildly attracted, but you're both trying to play it cool, even though she's acutely aware of your gaze. She knows how it's landing and she's encouraging it. She is a very sexy girl. I like how comfortable she is in the water and how obviously aware Kylie is about what is sexy about wet look and wet hair, seeing her wet hair slicked back when she comes up, what is sexy about immersion, the gliding and the weightlessness/breathlessness, and everything that's so sexy about underwater fetish. I really hope to see more Kylie in the future. Gorgeous. These Wetlook Fashion videos are getting better and better, and this Kylie stuff is Perfect! (I wasn't compensated for this review, btw.).
-MrBubblicious    12/3/24    
Amy is the most Beautiful Girl in the World!
Oh My God! Amy is a Goddess! She's like an A.I. Disney Princess, stunningly, astoundingly beautiful with charisma for Days! I'm always a big fan of Wetlook Fashion's Bipoc talent, and Amy's recent first appearance with Portia was also really good, with Amy's comfort-level being submerged underwater being particularly noteworthy of the two of them. It's always nice to see the talent get out of the water and stand there with their clothes clinging to their bodies and that's all here, but for me, the hottest thing about all this is the swimming/immersion and coming up to the surface, again and again and again. I love Wet Look and Wet Hair as an aspect of Underwater Fetish, and I love seeing her swimming underwater and come up with her wet hair spilling back, seeing the sparkle in her eyes and her beautiful caramel complexion, seeing the blanket-like texture of that waterlogged flannel falling off her bare shoulders, the way her exposed skin gleams in the sun. I love how Amy plays to the camera, how aware she is that she is being seen, the glimpses and glimmers of her personality and the joy and validation there appears to be in knowing you think she's beautiful. How could you resist someone who is so delighted to be in your gaze? There is one moment in particular after Amy is swimming underwater, with the blousy flannel pulling away from her body as she glides through the water, the texture of her hair swirling around her beautiful face. She comes up to the surface and looks into the lens over her shoulder. It's arresting. It's actually alarming to see someone so gorgeous. It's a glorious, superstar moment and it will take your breath away. I could watch Amy do this all day/every day. Sweet Jesus, this is wonderful. I really hope to see much, much, much more of Amy in the future. Please! (I wasn't compensated for this review, btw.).
-MrBubblicious    12/3/24    
Lovely afternoon swim with Amy
Another video with the Ebony Goddess Amy which I just had to buy the moment I saw it! Amy dosen't dissapoint. Showing off her sexy curves and cleavage on the outdoor lawn furniture before walking right into the warm hot tub. Amy looks great in her shiny wet clothes while swimming around in the pool as her wet tank top struggles to hold in her beautiful full breasts! We get the occasional areola peaking out along the outer edges of her wet tank top. Things quickly heat up as she removes her flannel and boots to reveal her beautiful, sexy barefeet! It's too bad that we did not get some closer shots of her soft soles, but there is pleanty of them to encourage your sexual imagination! All in all a great video of a beautiful woaman enjoying a swim in her sexy wet clothes.
-muddyfeet    11/30/24    
I want to swim with Gorgeous Naomi!
Wow, Naomi! I'm a huge fan of nose-pinching and watching a beautiful woman submerging who is a little bit fearful of doing so; there's a relatably-human awkwardness and vulnerability in those moments which I find to be so sexy. It's cool to watch her overcome her fear, while it also triggers a sympathetic hormonal excitement in the viewer. Then, it's a thrill seeing her coming back up to the surface, seeing her breathe a sigh of relief, her perfect complexion gleaming in the sun. I love when she ditches the jacket, seeing her bare arms, bare shoulders, and the plunging neckline on the jumpsuit as she keeps tugging on the top of it like her breasts are about to tumble out of it. Oh My God! Mmmm... Wow... This is gorgeous. I wasn't compensated for this review, btw; I am specifically a big fan of all the Wet Look Fashion videos which feature gorgeous bipoc talent, and Naomi is stunning for sure!
-MrBubblicious    11/6/24    
Sure to get you warm and fuzzy with two gorgeous ladies!
From the first second of seeing the preview tumbnail--I knew I needed this video of these two very beautiful and sexy exotic women of color! Their infectious smile and beautiful face will instantly steal your heart. After getting over the this fact you will quickly become very sexually aroused once they get in the water with all their clothes on continuing to sport those lovely smiles and beautiful wet clevage in all that water. They dunk thier heads getting their lovely hair all wet. In the end they take off their sockless shoes and boots showing off their perfectly manecured toes and sexy feet. By the end of the video I was almost cuming in my pants!
-muddyfeet    10/17/24    
Dunking/Giggling and Urges! Urges! Urges!
Amy is one of the most objectively beautiful new faces to have appeared in a WetlookFashion video for a while! She's scientifically, measurably beautiful. Amy's recurring before/after wet look thing is glorious, seeing her pinch her nose and submerge, coming up again dripping wet with her clothes clinging to her body. Every time Amy comes up to the surface after immersion, she radiates, glistening, her caramel complexion gleaming in the sun. Both of these women are very, very sexy. There's also something hyper-feminine and vulnerable about the *cute-struggling* of Portia's awkwardly excessive giggling and seemingly genuine discomfort with submerging that triggers a psychologically-sympathetic hormonal response. It's undeniably Hot! A rush of Urges! Urges! Urges!
-MrBubblicious    10/17/24    
Angel is Amazing
Wetlook is already sensual and seductive, but Angel adds a whole new level to it. She captures your imagination and holds your attention like no other. She's the ultimate fantasy, a pin-up girl lure that calls to you and you are unable to resist. Watching her soak her outfits and the pleasure she gets from it transports you instantly into the pool with her and you don't want to leave.
-WAMBoss Chris    8/16/24    
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